Dear colleagues and friends,
In the spring of 2018, the first National Students Conference for Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences was successfully held. The Conference gave an opportunity to present the scientific achievements of students from all over Bulgaria. The scientific forum was supported by the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, by all pharmacists, by all guests and colleagues. This has led to the creation of fruitful interaction between student organizations and the pharmaceutical industry. New connections have been created between academia and business. We are delighted that the initiative provoked the thinking of many students and this contributed to the achievement of high scientific results. We are also pleased to have helped to strengthen the links between the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Faculty of Sofia University and the other pharmaceutical and chemical universities in Bulgaria.
Motivated by the success, the great interest and the results, we - the students of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy of the Sofia University, decided to continue with the wonderful idea, turning this scientific forum into an annual tradition.